Traditional way of cooking is disappearing and making way for modified recipes using ready mix masalas, pre-cooked and semi finished curries and food items. Above this modern appliances totally or partially eliminate the tediousness of mixing and grinding. Pressure cookers, rice cookers, microwave ovens etc save your time to a great extend. New type of vessels have special scratch proof Teflon coatings, the bottoms of vessels have heat dissipating copper coating etc. Though fast and easy to use, they get damaged if not handled in proper way.
On buying new type of vessels and kitchen appliances you will have to use a lot of commonsense. You budget, conveniences in the kitchen and who uses them should alsp be of primary concern
Be aware that none of these items will last long unless you know how to use and maintain them.
Write to for getting flurther guidance (This service at present, is available over your phone through WhatsApp.)
On buying new type of vessels and kitchen appliances you will have to use a lot of commonsense. You budget, conveniences in the kitchen and who uses them should alsp be of primary concern
Be aware that none of these items will last long unless you know how to use and maintain them.
Write to for getting flurther guidance (This service at present, is available over your phone through WhatsApp.)